



Aisles Market Directory

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The AISLES creates a new partner community between the Retail Store, e-Tailers, Showrooms and Vendors. Therefore, it is vital the community  members (Vendors, Retailers, e-Tailers, Reps, Buyers, Showrooms and Consumers) are able to SEARCH and FIND each other, manage new relationships and communicate with today's Internet and mobile technology. 


The Aisles Market Directory provides a  social-media based community where each member creates their industry profile to include essential credentials with SEARCH and MATCH criteria. 


 To enhance the Buy/Sell experience,  members are able to list their NEEDS or Services they can provide.  Preferences control the way each member wants their information to flow.   Privacy is protected because each field has a public or private display option.  Follow-Me enables all members to follow each other for automatic updates when changes to a profile or storefront occur.   


Each member is authenticated before admittance.   Once accepted, members will be required to LOG-IN each time they enter the AISLES.   The Market Direcory serves as the community "Gate-keeper."

The  profile for eStore owners is called an  eStorefront.   It is designed to showcase the eStore, list products, feature a Store owner Video to entice the click to link directly to  a Sell Page or the store owner eCommerce site (eStore).

